Wendy, Darling - Music Video
What a brilliant project to be a part of! Singer and songwriter Kirsti Kruger has been developing an album’s worth of mesmerising and incredibly unique songs, each with fairytales in mind. For her track, ‘Wendy, Darling’, she required a music video loosely referencing the playful relationship between Peter Pan and Wendy.
Our main location of choice was a beach in Norfolk, which although was unbelievably windy and bitterly cold, was undeniably a brilliant backdrop with its wide sandy beaches, rock formations and a shipwreck.
Absolutely perfect casting choice for actors (and hats off for braving the cold, Kirsti, Florian and Chloe!), and as always, the most amazing vision, set design and props were courtesy of Amanda Caroline Couture.
Actors @florianhencher, @kirstikruger, @chloemaddin
Creative Direction & Set Design @amandacarolinecouture
Filmmaking & Editing @richardwakefield
Lighting @rotolight
Assistance @phil_james_photos, @westwired
Pirate Costume @tolethorpecostumehire